Archive for November 25th, 2008

6 Articles of Faith

Posted on November 25, 2008. Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , |

Assalam alaikum & peace to all

I thought I would post up the 6 articles of Faith that all Muslims must adhere to.

There is always so much talk about the 5 pillars – which are important
but somehow these 6 other important items seem to slip by.

  1. Belief in God (Allah), the one and only one worthy of all worship (tawhid).
  2. Belief in all the Prophets (nabi) and Messengers (rusul) sent by God
  3. Belief in the Angels (mala’ika).
  4. Belief in the Books (kutub) sent by God[citation needed] (including the Qur’an).
  5. Belief in the Day of Judgment (qiyama) and in the Resurrection (life after death).
  6. Belief in Destiny (Fate) (qadar).

In Sunni and Shia view, having Iman literally means to have belief in Six articles. However the importance of Iman relies heavily upon reasons. Islam explicitly asserts that belief should be maintained in that which can be proven using faculties of perception and conception.

Another good article

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    This site is for the new revert/convert to Islam, offering information and support as well as a place to just talk about your experiences and daily life living with Islam. If you are wondering why some people refer to converts as reverts it’s because there is a belief in Islam that we are all born in the state of purity, we are all born as people who submit to the Will of God, the One True God and it is only later through family and or society that we end up following a different path or religion. So when one comes back to that original state we call them ‘reverts’ instead of converts.The purpose of this site is to help, support and inform the new revert about Islam.
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